Pwm Dc Motor Control Sg3525 Circuit
DC Motor Speed Control Using Arduino & PWM. Speed control of DC motor with PC Interface is an easy DIY project. In this project DC motor’s speed is controlled by sending the command through PC. Arduino is directly connected to PC through the USB cable and command is given to Arduino on serial monitor of the Arduino IDE.
Pin 13 is VC – the supply voltage to the SG3525 driverstage. It is connected to the collectors of the NPN transistors in the outputtotem-pole stage. Hence the name VC. VC must lie within the range 4.5V to 35V.The output drive voltage will be one transistor voltage drop below VC.
So whendriving Power MOSFETs, VC should be within the range 9V to 18V (as most PowerMOSFETs require minimum 8V to be fully on and have a maximum VGS breakdownvoltage of 20V). For driving logic level MOSFETs, lower VC may be used.
Caremust be taken to ensure that the maximum VGS breakdown voltage of the MOSFET isnot crossed. Similarly when the SG3525 outputs are fed to another driver orIGBT, VC must be selected accordingly, keeping in mind the required voltage forthe device being fed or driven. It is common practice to tie VC to VCC when VCCis below 20V. Pins 11 and 14 are the outputs from which the drive signalsare to be taken. They are the outputs of the SG3525 internal driver stage and canbe used to directly drive MOSFETs and IGBTs. They have a continuous currentrating of 100mA and a peak rating of 500mA.
When greater current or betterdrive is required, a further driver stage using discrete transistors or adedicated driver stage should be used. Similarly a driver stage should be usedwhen driving the device causing excessive power dissipation and heating ofSG3525. When driving MOSFETs in a bridge configuration, high-low side driversor gate-drive transformers must be used as the SG3525 is designed only forlow-side drive. Pin 10 is shutdown. When this pin is low, PWM is enabled.When this pin is high, the PWM latch is immediately set. This provides thefastest turn-off signal to the outputs. At the same time the soft-startcapacitor is discharged with a 150 µA current source.
An alternativemethod of shutting down the SG3525 is to pull either pin 8 or pin 9 low.However, this is not as quick as using the shutdown pin. So, when quickshutdown is required, a high signal must be applied to pin 10. This pin shouldnot be left floating as it could pick up noise and cause problems. So, this pinis usually held low with a pull-down resistor. Pin 2 is connected to VREF and is thus ata potential of +5.1V ( ±1%). The output of the converter is connected to pin 1 through avoltage divider with resistances 56kΩ and 1kΩ.
Voltage ratio is 57:1. At feedback “equilibrium”, voltage at pin1 is 5.1V as well as this is the target of the error amplifier – to adjust theduty cycle to adjust the voltage at pin 1 so that it is equal to that of pin 2.So, when voltage at pin 1 is 5.1V, voltage at output is 5.1V. 57 = 290.7V andthis is close enough to our 290V target. If greater accuracy is required, oneof the resistors can be either replaced with a pot or in series with a pot andthe pot adjusted to give required reading. Anonymoushi tahmid 'my name is mohamed mustafa from egypt please help me to design my power inverter i bought ferrite core ETD34 and i find that at 100 khz this transformer give 321 watt ' from data sheet ' can i operate irfz44n at 100 khz or this not advisable and i calculate but with 75 khz the number of turns of primary and secondary and i found it:::: Np= 3 turns and Ns= 96 turns what is the thickness of this wire of both primary and secondarymy email:: ENGMOHAMEDMUSTAFA@YAHOO.COM. 1) Make sure the voltage is higher than the maximum output voltage.
A 400V capacitor would be good since I assume your output voltage would be lower than 330V. If it's higher than that and close to 400V, use 630V.2) It is an electrolytic capacitor. Try to use a low-ESR capacitor.3) Unfortunately, I don't have the PCB design for this. There are many free PCB design software you can use to design the PCB yourself.ExpressPCB: EAGLE (freeware with limitation): PCB: (freeware with limitation): EDA: are other free PCB design software available as well.So, download one. Go through the manual and start using it.I've used ExpressPCB and PCB123 (a little bit of EAGLE as well).
Dc Motor Control Circuit
I'd say they're pretty good and certainly good enough for your purpose.Hope this helps!Regards,Tahmid. I haven't designed PCB for this. There are many free PCB design software you can use to design the PCB yourself.ExpressPCB: EAGLE (freeware with limitation): PCB: (freeware with limitation): EDA: are other free PCB design software available as well.So, download one. Go through the manual and start using it.I've used ExpressPCB and PCB123 (a little bit of EAGLE as well).
I'd say they're pretty good and certainly good enough for your purpose.Regards,Tahmid. AnonymousHi tahmid, your blog is awesome. I know u from edaboard. I have a project to do and now ı just need to do push pull dc to dc converter which converts 36VDC to 311VDC.
I cant simulate the circuit above and also ı need to implement this circuit. Does this circuit really work?
I need a ferrite transformer but ı cant implement this circuit without this transformer. I mean should ı select proper ferrite first right? And then ı can implement this circuit. Which article should ı read on your blog about ferrite transformer calculation? My project has 1kVA output power. So ferrite transformer must be 1kVA.
My question is that how should start to implement this circuit? Because ı cant simulate it in proteus, multisim, ltspice etc. AnonymousDear Tahmid, I've found your tutorial very helpful, especially since the data sheet of the SG3525 chip lacks the proper information, regarding the associated circuit design. For example a profound information given by the Linear Technology, which comes along their buck/boost controller chips, is poles apart different from the information misery offered by the SG3525 manufacturers. I think those guys owe you a lot of money so far, as your information serves their customers. Just one thing, IMHO, your voltage divider is slightly wrongly calculated.
When you have that resistances, your actual resultant voltage will be V= 280x 1/(56+1)= 4.91V, not 5.1, hence 5.1x 57= 290.7V. But apart from that, your work is excellent.
Thanks for your efforts, just keep it up, I wish you all the best, mate, Alex, Krakow, Poland. (Temporarly in London, UK).
Hi,The internal circuitry of the SG3525 is such that the outputs of A and B can only go up to 50% duty cycle. That is where the usefulness of the SG3525 lies. If you need higher duty cycle, you could use 2 diodes, the anodes of which are connected to pins 11 and 14, and the cathode of both are shorted. Then you take the output from this point - the cathode of the diodes.
Make sure you use ultrafast recovery diodes for higher frequencies. If you use this method, remember that you're blocking the pulling down / sinking ability of the internal totem pole of the SG3525. So, you should use an external (totem-pole based or driver chip based) driver to drive the MOSFET.Hope this helps!Regards,Tahmid. Hi,I've mentioned this in the article above:Pin 15 is VCC – the supply voltage to the SG3525 that makes it run. VCC must lie within the range 8V to 35V.
SG3525 has an under-voltage lockout circuit that prevents operation when VCC is below 8V, thus preventing erroneous operation or malfunction.Pin 13 is VC – the supply voltage to the SG3525 driver stage. It is connected to the collectors of the NPN transistors in the output totem-pole stage.
Pwm Dc Motor Control Theory
Hence the name VC. VC must lie within the range 4.5V to 35V. The output drive voltage will be one transistor voltage drop below VC.
So when driving Power MOSFETs, VC should be within the range 9V to 18V (as most Power MOSFETs require minimum 8V to be fully on and have a maximum VGS breakdown voltage of 20V). For driving logic level MOSFETs, lower VC may be used.
Care must be taken to ensure that the maximum VGS breakdown voltage of the MOSFET is not crossed. Similarly when the SG3525 outputs are fed to another driver or IGBT, VC must be selected accordingly, keeping in mind the required voltage for the device being fed or driven. It is common practice to tie VC to VCC when VCC is below 20V.I hope that answers your question!Regards,Tahmid.
Check the power connections to the SG3525. Ensure that pin 16 (VREF) isn't shorted to ground or VCC. Ensure that none of the outputs are shorted to ground or VCC. Ensure that VCC is within acceptable limits.Remove the connections to the MOSFETs all together and then check the outputs of the SG3525. Measure both the frequency and the voltage. Check the shape using an oscilloscope, if possible.You might even have damaged MOSFETs that are damaging the SG3525.
So, if the outputs seem to be correct without the MOSFETs connected, replace the MOSFETs with new ones.Hope this helps!Regards,Tahmid. Yes, 1.47W is a little high. But you can use 3W resistors safely. 1W resistors won't do.
You need to select a resistor with a power dissipation capacity higher than the actual max dissipation. Twice the actual dissipation is a good figure. And that's why I mentioned 3W.Yes, you can use larger resistance to lower the current and thus the power dissipation. If you get a 0.67W power dissipation (calculated), then you should use a resistor with a power dissipation capacity of at least 1W.Remember that this is for R10.
R11 won't get hot.Hope this helps.Regards,Tahmid. AnonymousHi Tahmid,great website! Use a driver circuit between the SG3525 outputs and the MOSFET gates.Bring the primary turns down from 2 x 7 turns to 2 x 4 turns or 2 x 5 turns. Adjust the secondary accordingly.0.28mm^2 is what, SWG 24, right? With a primary current of 6-7A, use 3 x SWG 26 wires in parallel.
That should help - improved current handling + reduced losses from skin effecy.Use ultrafast diodes at the output. What are the specifications for BUY27? I regularly use UF4007 diodes. DO NOT use regular rectifier diodes like 1N4007 as they are too slow. Just take a look at the reverse recovery time in the datasheet!Reduce the output capacitance to about 100uF.Try with these changes and let me know the result.
Good luck!Regards,Tahmid. 72 x 26 SWG is not required! If you can use that many, 72 or even 65, there's no harm. It's even better due to lower winding resistance.
But about 15-20 x 26 SWG should be more than enough. Of course, the actual capacity will depend on the specific wire itself, due to its properties such as insulating material, etc.
So, oversizing may actually be a good idea if you have space.For frequencies less than about 100kHz, I don't think you really need to worry about skin effect for SWG #26 wire.Regards,Tahmid. The given connection (with pin 1 connected to output via the resistors) provides feedback. Please go through the article thoroughly and you can understand the feedback implementation.You can avoid connecting pin 1 as shown if you choose not to use feedback.The thickness of the primary and secondary wires are selected depending on the current through them.
Use multiple thin wires in parallel - don't use wires that are too thick. Google 'wire skin effect' and read about it to know more about this.Regards,Tahmid.
Take a look on this page: links given on the above mentioned page are:,Tahmid. SG3525 should not be used for generating SPWM signals. You can use the analog method as you described. But better would be to use a microcontroller to generate the SPWM signals. Take a look at these:this helps!Regards,Tahmid. I can't give you any complete circuit, but go through these:this helps!Regards,Tahmid. Anonymoushello Tahmid keep the good work going.
Ihave a problem with a modified sine wave inverter i built. Its running at 60hz on the output when ever i plug appliances in it like tv radio fridge lights etc the frequency at the output remains at 60hz but when i plug a fan into it I see my meter showing frequency change like 158hz and it is not stable if I use one leg of my meter and touch one leg of the ac out it reads 60hz but accross two legs I see an increase but this only happens with a fan pluged in. Please help me here. I can't give you any complete circuit, but go through these:this helps!Regards,Tahmid. 1) Use MOSFETs with very low RDS(on) to reduce on-state resistance, thus reducing power loss and increasing efficiency.
If necessary, connect MOSFETs in parallel to reduce RDS(on). This reduces conduction power losses.2) Negative voltage is not required. But use a good driver circuit to turn the MOSFET off as quickly as possible and to ensure that the MOSFET is turned fully on when it is on.3) Don't use too high a frequency that the switching losses are increased.4) Use good transformers with low leakage inductance.Hope this helps.Regards,Tahmid. Thanku Tahmid.But this concept is work practically.This is just a academic project.
We are the manufacturing Company. In large volumes this design is not correct choice.Can you please tell me that how much efficient this design.Is there any practicale issues with design.I saw some where else Bubba Oscillator is not efficient. You can build pretty high power systems with it. But I think I've read that Bubba oscillators are unstable and take quite an effort to get stable.For commercial applications with high efficiency, I think your best choice is to use microcontrollers. Go to this page:down to 'SPWM and sine wave generation and inverter:' and see all the related articles.
I've got loads of articles/tutorials on sine wave generation and implementation using the Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR and the Microchip dsPIC.SG3525 is used for just regular PWM - for obtaining square wave / quasi sine wave outputs.For forward-type converters, such as forward, push-pull, bridge, what's important is the number of turns and the relevant flux density. Don't worry about the inductacne.I don't get this last part: 'So finally i need 2 clarifications High Frequency DC is suitable for Inductive loads or not & Formula for inductance.' Could you clarify?Hope this helps.Tahmid.
AnonymousHello Tahmid I have benn following ur info all over the net and I must say I appreciate your support. I have a question here. I am building a pushpull transformer output inverter. The circuit uses 1k as gate resistors and 10k from gate to source. I want to use about 24 irf260 fets. I want to know if lowering the gate resistor from 1k down to about half ( 500ohm) if this would give me more power from the fets. I am using one of your totem driver circuits to drive the fets.
Thank u for ur support. Hy Tahmid,i hope you will be fine.i am having a problem in making inverter.i'm making inverter using tl494 and sg3524.i'm using push pull topology to drive transformer and tl494 to drive push pull mosfet and sg3524 to drive full bridge mosfet.but there is no feedback.its just a simple circuit.can you send me the tl494 and sg3524 circuit with proper feedback.i have shared the only tl494 circuit isemail is That Was a very Great Circuit, I made it, It was Awesome. But I have a lil problem.we reduced the Frequency of output to 350Hz, to use a transformer of iron core,E I 6630the problem is that the output is not stable after a while of usage.anther problem is that when we change the value of the load, the voltage is dropped from 36 to 20V DCat 600mA output is 36VDC, if 1.2A, out 30V, and if 1.8A - 20VDC. We changed the CT value (Pin5 and ground ) from 1u, to 530nF. And we use MOSFET SSF7509 asHow to solve the problem.
AnonymousHello Tahmid,I am sorry if the following question seems to be redundant but I have always been confused with the difference between Transformer frequency, switching frequency and oscillator frequency. I know that the Oscillator Frequency(Fosc) is the Frequency set by the Resistor Capacitor values of the SG3525A IC and also,that the Power transistor Switching frequency is half of the Fosc but when Calculating Number of Primary Turn and Power Handling capacity of the HF transformer I am confuse which frequency to use( Do I use Fosc or Fosc/2?)Please, your reply will be greatly appreciated.RegardsFaruq (Nigeria).
AnonymousHello TahmidReally like your tutorials on the electronics. I have read a few of them now and used some the circuits, ie: TLP250, high side MOSFET switching.I have a question for you: I am designing a variable output voltage (500-2000VDC) push-pull converter/inverter using the same SG3525A chip. Basically, I will need the 500-2000vdc voltage range to be constantly adjustable, but only need 15-20ma. This is to be used as the power supply for a Don Smith/Tang device. I am Syed Tahmid Mahbub, from Dhaka, Bangladesh, born on August 1, 1994.Electronics is my passion and from class V, I have been learning electronics. I learnt and worked mostly on SMPS, power electronics, microcontrollers and integration of microcontrollers with SMPS and power electronics.
I've used PIC and AVR microcontrollers - PIC 10F, 12F, 16F, 18F, 24F, dsPIC 30F, 33F, PIC32, ATmega and ATtiny, integrating them with various SMPS and power electronics circuits.I have completed my Bachelor's degree from Cornell University (Class of 2017) in Ithaca, New York, USA, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE).I am a member of the forum, where I am an 'Advanced Member Level 5' (the highest level attainable) and also the forum, where I am a 'Senior Member'. I post to help solve electronics-related problems of engineers and engineering students from all over the world.I love watching and playing cricket and football (soccer), and listening to music.I am now a hardware engineer at Apple in Silicon Valley, California, USA.